David Benavidez has beaten David Morrell after a gruelling 12 round war which saw him come back from being knocked down.
David Benavidez Vs David Morrell Round By Round-
Both fighters exchanged well with some big shots being taken in round 1 but neither were hurt.
It was a stronger 2nd round for Benavidez catching Morrell in the corner and unloading.
No huge impact and Morrell ended the round strong.
3rd showed much of the same both fighters bringing pressure just in separate positions in the round.
The 4th showed a gunfight to start the round both throwing in unison.
Benavidez caught Morrell with a few strong uppercuts but Morrell answered with a huge right clipping the chin of Benavidez wobbling him off balance.
5th calmed down slightly with both playing chess like moves.
Benavidez caught Morrell with a few body shots which caused some damage.
It was more of the same in the 6th both having success in separate exchanges and putting pressure on each other.
Benavidez got the better of round 7 focusing on the body and hitting some sweet uppercuts.
The Monster Benavidez started to take control of the fight in the 8th when Morrell was starting to tire, most likely because of the body shots from Benavidez.
The 9th showed more of Morrell’s heart who brought more of the competition like earlier in the fight.
Round 10 saw the two fighters show how much they’ve put into these rounds with both taking a bit of the round off with Benavidez even taunting Morrell with a Ali shuffle.
Number 11 was more of Morrell pushing Benavidez back and attempting to win the remainder of the fight knowing he was losing the fight causing a huge knockdown but the knockdown gets erased immediately when Morrell hit Benavidez very late after the bell.
12th and final round Morrell knew he had to go all out to win and that’s what he did but Benavidez countered with the same level of intensity.
David Benavidez took the fight by decision and will now be the next contender for the winner of Bivol Bertebiev.
David Benavidez Vs David Morrell Undercard Results-
Brandon Figueroa Vs Stephen Fulton
Stephen Fulton dominated all 12 rounds rounds with Fulton keeping Figueroa at distance and won the close exchanges.
Fulton wins via unanimous decision essentially winning every single round.
Issac Cruz vs Angel Fierro
First 2 rounds saw Cruz dominate most of the exchanges.
The 3rd and 4th Fierro fired back catching Cruz and pushing him back into centre ring.
In the 5th Cruz got warned for leading with his head and just seconds after had Fierro hurt in the corner but he quickly recovers.
5th to 8th Cruz focused highly on the body but both offences slowed slightly after a very fast start from both.
8th was a highlight for Fierro landing a fight high 29 for the round and activity was in Fierro’s favour largely competing better the later fight got.
The 9th was a barnstormer both catching each other clean but neither giving up or showing any weakness.
The 10th was exactly the same both not giving in and firing shots throughout the 3 minutes. Fierro looked the more active fighter but Cruz landed caught Fierro with the cleaner shots.
An early fight of the year contender with both throwing a total of 1410 punches.
Issac Pitbull Cruz managed to take the unanimous decision but Fierro shouldn’t leave disheartened. Fight of the year contender for sure.
Mirco Cuello Vs Christian Olivo
Mirco Cuello finished Christian Olivo in the 10th and final round with two gigantic body shot knock downs.
All three judges had it in favour of Christian Olivo going into the 10th.
Cuello was also knocked down by Olivo earlier in the fight.
Mirco Cuello is now WBA Featherweight number one contender for Nick Balls title.
Jeison Rosario vs Jesus Alejandro Ramos Jr
Fairly dominant fight for Ramos through the first 8 rounds.
He dropped Rosario in the 7th with a straight left thudding through the guard of Rosario.
Ramos was brutal with his constant attacks to the body of Rosario.
The referee stopped the fight in the 8th after a flurry of shots go fairly unanswered.
Rosario got out punched at over 3-1 (219-59) so despite Rosario being on his feet and still fighting, the referee’s stoppage was fair.
Curmel Moton also won by third round TKO.
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