The Fight
Round 1:
Both men meet in the centre of the cage. Jai Herbert with plenty of feints early, and Kyle throws heavy kicks. Jai with plenty of movement, while both men remain patient. Kyle catches a kick and attempts a takedown and the fight ends up in a clinch on the cage. Both men exchange blows in this position which last for a couple of minutes. Now back to the centre Nelson lands on the break. Kyle lands some nice kicks to the leg and body to close the round.
Round 2:
Similar start to the first no man is rushing in. Herbert maintains his distance supremely well. Leg kicks were exchanged by both men. Jai is finding his strikes at range now. Another clinch was initiated by Kyle. Back in the open, both men attempt to gain control, sharing strikes, Jai gets the advantage in the clinch. Kyle ends the round by pushing Jai to the fence.
Round 3:
Exchange of leg kicks starts in the third. Jai gets on top position and begins to control the ground. In half guard, he looks to use his position to land strikes. Kyle begins to fight and try to get to his feet, but Jai maintains control throughout. Nelson has his base back and finds his feet. The round ends in the clinch.
What’s Next?
Now finding his feet in the UFC. A big win at the start of a new four-fight contract. This gives Jai the chance to finally start making a push up the ladder. Never in a boring fight, Herbert’s fan-friendly style sees plenty of match-ups for him in future.
The Black Country Banger moves to 12-4. 34-years-old he has put himself in a great position in one of the hardest divisions.
What’s next for Jai Herbert?
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