Round 1: A clinch initiated sees both men throwing massive knees to the body. Back to the centre and still throwing bombs. Maciej Rozanski comes forward with a massive flurry of punches and knees and looks to have Lee Chadwick in trouble. Chadwick survives and swings back with some heavy shots. Lee gets the clinch against the fence and works away and gets the takedown. Rozanski manages to regain control before Chadwick gets a second takedown and rides the round out on top.
Round 2: Maciej Rozanski starts the round fast, throwing big heavy shots. Lee manages to avoid most of these with impressive head movement, before shooting for a takedown. Getting to a clinch and getting the fight to the ground. Rozanski manages to get back to his feet and score his own trip, riding the round out on top landed big ground and pound.
Round 3: Both come out swinging, and appear to be tiring. Rozanski came back to take control. Landing heavy shots to Chadwick’s head who refuses to go down despite the heavy pressure. This continues until near the final minute when Chadwick gets a takedown looking for a finish. Rozanski gets top control and Lee attempts a heel hook but to no avail. What a fight this was at Bellator 281.
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Featured image credits to Lucas Noonan, Bellator MMA