A grapple-heavy approach from Stuart Austin sees him gain control. A takedown and heavy top pressure from the Brit have him winning the round. Sofiane Boukichou manages to regain his base and stand up against the cage. The Frenchman used a kimura to take control and he ended the round by landing some massive ground and pound.
Both men start the round swinging big. Sofiane shoots a takedown but it’s defended well by Austin. Stuart reverts to his round one approach as he pushes his opponent to the fence and clinches. He gets a takedown and remains disciplined. He uses his advantageous position to land shots that chip away at Sofiane.
With the path to victory clear for the Brit. He continues to follow the blueprint he set in rounds one and two. In full control sitting in Sofiane’s guard. Stuart Austin begins to land some big ground shots. Boukichou is an awkward opponent and starts to regain his base. However, Austin maintains the advantage and ends the round throwing bombs.
Stuart Austin earns his first PFL win with a very smart performance. Not the prettiest, it was an intelligent approach to get the win.
Now 16-8 who is next for the big Brit?
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